Sunday, October 26, 2008

The real 'morals'


The beautiful woman should take hast,
for coming upon them only hell will create.
Yet they believe beauty is the right path,
I am sorry to say, I only see rath.

The tale that is to be spun and pondered,
is tainted by the people who forever wonder.
Searching for beauty with sight only,
they will find this path very lonely.

And for the women who believe this,
who beautify themselves with out amiss.
You will find one day, the man with you,
is not a man, but only part of a selfish few.

Oh, ye, with curiousness and charm,
you do no good, but only harm.
If this is a moral, then listen well,
since curiousity came from hell.

Your multi-tracked mind shouldn't wander,
for your husband is all you should ponder.
Through fire and brimstone, look ahead,
if you stray, I only see dread.

So to all you newly married wives,
I hope you have enjoyed your lives,
since now has the time come
for you to be content with dumb.

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